Best Book 09
Best Book of 09....seriously? I have to pick just one? Practically impossible.
So instead I shall categorize and decide from there.
Best Vacation Read: The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis - no better place to read tales of ice and snow and fantasy worlds than a sandy beach in Mexico
Best Re-read of 2009: The Beach by Alex Garland - read in my bathtub...I just had to pretend it was a lagoon in Thailand.
Best Guilty Pleasure Read: The Sookie Stackhouse Books - devoured at the cabin this summer
Best Work Related Read: slideology - Nancy Duarte - getting paid to read at work? I'm in!
Best Creative Inspiration Read: Good Mail Day - Jennie Hinchcliff and Carolee Gilligan Wheeler
Most Repeated Author in a year Read: Chuck Palahniuk - Snuff, Choke, Haunted and I scored an AUTOGRAPHED copy of Fugitives and Refugees - A Walk in Portland, Oregon. Read on C-Train, front porch, various other locations, but most likely the bathtub.
Best Book Deal of 2009: I hit upon the greatest find of the year (IMO) quite by accident. I went to a thrift store looking for a used Pictionary Game to entertain a group of us while we "sampled" some wine on the weekend. Alas, no game. Instead I had stumbled upon nirvana. They were renovating the store and needed to clear out their book section. Rows upon rows upon rows of books.....for TEN CENTS each. As I gathered up anything that looked remotely interesting (which was pretty much everything save the Harlequins) I sighed and said to myself "Bliss is found at the Sally Ann...who knew?"
Best Book Related Song EVER: My Baby Loves a Bunch of Authors. I just adore this fantastic ode to authors by the Canadian Band Moxy Fruvous and wanted to share.

Damn Good Advice
Always be yourself...
unless you suck.
- Joss Whedon
unless you suck.
- Joss Whedon
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11:59 AM
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