Random conversations courtesy of these oh so hilarious children of mine
Blog title lyrics courtesy of MGMT - Kids
Random conversations courtesy of these oh so hilarious children of mine
It's a new year (using my stellar Sherlock skills on that one)
It's a new blog (that I neglected in it's fledgling first month...again, stellar)
It's a new Flickr account (due to my drunken naming of the old accounts URL years ago)
And as I sit here having the laziest day ever, I am resolute to do many things.... (starting tomorrow)
I am going to regain:
- my passion for photography
- my passion for self confidence
- my passion for writing
and most of all.....my passion for peace. World peace? Ya, that would be nice also, but mostly the peace that I crave is within.
As 2009 comes to a close, I am once again faced with my ever increasing skill talent folly of not finishing things I start.
I wanted to jump back into the blogging life and thought that Gwen Bell's Best of 09 Challenge would be a perfect way to do that.
Apparently, perfection only lasts eleven days.
So, on this last day of 2009...amidst party preparations and snowfall and contemplating my life in it's entirety, I have resolved to FINISH THIS DAMN LIST.
I know....you are quivering in anticipation.
Day 12: New Food - Having lived in small towns most of my life I have been relegated to limited food choices...that being A&W or McDonalds. Finally living in civilization has brought me many culinary delights and the favourite has to be Vietnamese. Mmmm....Spicy Satay Chicken Noodle Soup. Thank you for burning by lips, making my eyebrows sweat and causing me to roll out of the restaurant like a big fat Buddha ball.
Day 13: Best change to the place I live - Unpacking my boxes....finally. Seeing familiar things in this house that is now "ours" not "his".
Day 14: Rush - Really haven't done anything that brought out the adrenaline this year...must rectify.
Day 15: Best packaging: Juice packaging designed by naoto fukasawa
Labels: #best09
This blog has been interrupted by snotticus phlegmican.
Once I arise from my Nyquil induced writers block I shall resume.
I know...
you're waiting with bated breath.
Be brave.
Day 11 of Best09 Challenge is The Best Place.
The best place for me in 09? Anywhere near this guy.
Day 10 of the Best09 Challenge is Album. What's rocking your world?
I like my mindless music as much as the next pop radio listener, I bop along with the pop tunes and dance tracks whilst driving through traffic. (did I really just type whilst?) When I want to really LISTEN to music however, I turn to one band....Incubus. 2009 was a fantastic year for me because Brandon and the boys released Monuments and Melodies. I am not such a snob that I cannot appreciate and SQUEE to the point of annoyance about a greatest hits compilation.
The night that my cousin Beanaz and I saw Incubus a few years ago was epic. On the drive there we were rocking out to Prince's "Let's Go Crazy". Fast forward through beer gardens, getting as close to the stage as possible, being squished to near oblivion, dancing my legs off and in all likelihood having the guy behind me masturbate during AnnaMolly (I SWEAR TO GOD!!)
Beanaz and I apres beer, pre-dancing and pre-masturbation debacle:
The lights suddenly went dim, and ominous organ music started. I frantically looked around for Beanaz and rejoiced as I heard Brandon bellow "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called life...."
I was thrilled when I saw that Incubus had included their version of Let's Go Crazy on Monuments and Melodies. For your listening pleasure:
I cannot possibly pick a favourite Incubus song, but here is a sampling in all their Brandon glory
Day 9 of Best of 09 Blog Challenge is Challenge. Something that really made you grow this year. That made you go to your edge.
Something that made me go to my edge?