Thus begins the reinvention of what was once an important part of my daily existence. In my other blog life I was a newly single mom who was trying to navigate her way through parenthood, working three jobs, raising two crazy tweens and tentatively dipping my toe in the shark infested dating pool.
After many misadventures (which caused me to hit DELETE on aforementioned blog) I have finally found the balance I have looked for my entire life. (sort of, kind of....merhaps...working on it anyway)
I've gone through some ever so slight changes since last hitting publish on blogger.
- from singledom to nauseatingly happy coupledom
- from having three jobs to having NO JOB
- from having two crazy tweens to having two INSANE teenagers (one of whom graduates this year) and add in two slightly crazy, going crazier by the day, stepdaughters (7 and 11...YIKES)
- from having eleven dogs and zero cats to having zero dogs and two cats.
- from living in a small town where I literally knew EVERYONE to living in a huge city where no one knows my name (part relief, part sob)
- from being unsure of everything including my own self worth, to being sure that I am right where I supposed to be and everything else is just gravy.